Cornelius L. Reid Project

Singer I - Lesson Excerpt (6/16/07)

Cornelius L. Reid Season 5 Episode 2

Comment: One can notice a marked improvement in this singer's voice in a relatively short period of time. The high notes are easier and the low notes not as heavy.

Quote: Self-Regulation: the inherent ability of an organism to recognize and respond favorably to a congenial environment; a self-corrective tendency which when conditions are right, takes place spontaneously. ...Self-regulation is an intrinsic characteristic of natural movement and can best be described as vocal self-interest. When exercises selected during training are thoughtfully constructed, the organic system will move spontaneously and willingly - it perceives that its best interests are being served and responds accordingly. The tendency of an organism to regulate itself, therefore, is simply a response which indicates that the demands placed upon it can be successfully carried out within the framework of its movement potential. Organic systems may thus be said to be capable of recognizing a distinction between use and abuse. (A Dictionary of Vocal Terminology)